Woodworker's corner
Welcome to the Woodworker's corner. Here you'll find details of the woodworking clubs, associations and training courses across the country.
Association of Woodturners of South Africa (AWSA)
The Association of Woodturners of South Africa represents wood turning interests and is open to anyone with an interest in turning.
Contact: Chairman - Gert Ferreira at cell: 083 265 5835
E-mail: info@awsa,org.za
Website: www.awsa.org.za
Spirit of the Wood Woodturners
Woodturning lessons in Boksburg
Contact: Johann Kramer on Cell: 083 251 0183, Email: spiritofthewood45@gmail.com; johankramer300@gmail.com
Woodworking Association of Pretoria (WAP)
General Meeting - Every last Wednesday of the month at 6pm
Cabinet Makers – Every second Saturday of the month at 9am
Woodturners – Every fourth Saturday of the month at 9am
Chairman: Willem Nordeje - Willem.Nordeje@ptawoodworkers.com
Secretary: Michiel van den Berg at email: michiel.vd.berg@ptawoodworkers.com
Website: www.ptawoodworkers.com
Witwatersrand Woodworkers’ Association
Chairman: Alistair Brande on Cell: 079 895 8709; Email: alistair.brande@gmail.com
Alternative: Herman Potgieter - 083 631 0501
The Witwatersrand Woodworkers’ Association Turner meeting:
Every first Monday of the month (6pm).
Wood hobbyist meeting: Every second Wednesday of the month (6pm).
Toymakers’ meeting: Every first and third Monday of the month (9am).
Practical workshops: Every first and third Wednesday of the month (6pm).
Contact: Alistair Brande at alistair.brande@gmail.com or on 079 895 8709.
The Living Link 1, 17th Street, Parkhurst
KB Woodcrafters (beginners to advanced)
Where: Boksburg
Contact: Ken Bullivant on Cell: 082-809-0020 on Email: ken@kbwoodcrafter.co.za
The Woodworking Academy
Where: Pretoria
Contact: Henry Sachse on Cell: 082 933 7806, Email: woodworkingacademy@gmail.com
Website: www.woodworkingacademy.co.za
One Good Turn
Where: Germiston
Contact: Schalk van Niekerk on Cell: 082 443 4977, Email: schalk@onegoodturn.co.za
East Rand Woodworkers’ Association (ERWA)
When: Every third Wednesday of the month except December
Time: 18h00 for 18h15
Where: Northfield Methodist Church – corner Aerodrome Drive and Webb Street, Northmead, Benoni
Parking entrance is in Hurricane Avenue
Contact: Charles McLeod on 083-308-1115 or Tom Grant on 082-785-9218
Website: www.erwa.org.za
Woodworkers’ Association of Carletonville
When: Every first Tuesday of the month
Time: 6pmContact:
Speak to the chairman Frans Cloete on 082-343-0834 for venue details.
RSA Wood Creations
Where: Meyerton
Contact: William Kriel on Cell: 082-881-3830; Email: admin@rsawoodcreations.co.za
Website: www.rsawoodcreations.co.za
Painting Effects Training
When: Last week of every month in Alberton as well as in Northcliff
Time: 1-5pm for 5 consecutive Saturdays
Contact: Trish Galatis on 079-033-0815
Email: elu@mweb.co.za
Protected trees
We need to protect our rare trees in South Africa.
Here is a full list of protected tree species under the National
Forests Act
Free state
Free State Woodworkers’ Guild
When: Every last Wednesday of the month
Time: 6pm
Contact: Speak to the chairperson Emile Els for venue details on 082-771-1726
Email: emile@mcintyre.co.za
Zululand Woodturners’ Club
When: Every third Saturday of the month
Time: 8am for 8.30am
Contact: Speak to Richard Hodsdon on 082-854-8388 or 035-753-1221for the venue.
Email: hodsdonr@telkomsa.net
The Natal Midlands Woodworkers’ Guild
When: Every second Tuesday of the month
Time: 7pm for 7:15pm
Contact: Speak to the secretary Brian Walford on 033-330-3690 for more information and for the venue.
By post: PO Box 467, Howick 3290.
Woodturning Association - Pietermaritzburg
Contact: Winston French on Tel:033-347-3247; email: winst@telkomsa.net
South Coast Association of Woodworkers (SCAW)
When: Last Wednesday of the month at Umtentweni Library
Time: 14:30 for 15:00
We have a turning workshop on the third Saturday of the month in Pumula, please phone for details.
Contact: David McInnes - 081.317.5447
Email: Mcinnes66@gmail.com
Woodturning Association - Zululand
Contact: Richard Hodsdon on Cell:035-753-1221; Cell: 082-854-8388; email: hodsdonr@telkomsa.net
Pennington Amateur Woodworkers’ Support Group (PAWS)
When: Every fourth Saturday of the month
Time: 8.45am for 9am
Where: 13 Marion Ave, PenningtonContact:
Speak to Ian Ralph on 039-975-3267 or 082-265-5265.
The Woodcrafters’ Association of Durban Woodcrafters
When: Every second Monday of the month
Time: 5:30pm for 6pm
Where: Reformed Church in 1 Voortrekker Street, Pinetown
Chairman: Fred Donnelly
Email: fremar@telkomsa.net
Cell: 082 320 2907 / 072 680 1296
Landline: 031 767 3784
Western Cape
Furntech Training Centre
*Courses are minimum three months – courses countrywide
Contact: Joy Crane on Tel: 021-510-0088, Cell: 082 330 0777
Email: joyc@furntech.org.za
Mercury School of Woodwork
Where: Paarden Eiland, Cape Town
Contact: Buster Tinsley on Tel: 021-815-9172, Cell: 082 815 9172,
Email: mercury@axxess.co.za
Website: www.woodworkingschool.co.za
The Cape Town Woodworkers’ Club
When: Every second Thursday of the month
Time: 7pm
Where: Pinelands Hobbies Club
Contact: Speak to Eric Thornton on 021-558-3708 or 082-465-4237 Email: notnorth@mweb.co.za
George Woodworkers’ Club
When: Last Monday of the month
Time: 17:00 for 17:30
Where: George Showgrounds
Contact: Speak to the chairman Clay Whittal 074 199 6499 or the secretary Richard O’Donnell on 082 301 4770
Email: woodworkgeorge@yahoo.com
Sedgefield Woodturners Guild
When: Every first Thursday of the month
Time: 6:30pm for 7pm
Contact: Speak to Dave Stephenson on 044-343-2695 or 072-119-4397 for the venue
Email: davesdeesign@gmail.com
By post: PO Box 1364, Sedgefield 6573
The Overberg Woodturners Association
When: Every second Thursday of the month.
Where: 3 Halfkoord St, Kleinbaai, Gansbaai.
Contact: Speak to Hannes Ludick on 028-384-1170 or 081- 271- 2312; email: hanrie@telkomsa.net
Mossel Bay Woodworkers’ Guild
When: Every first Tuesday of the month
Time: 7pm in summer until April and 6pm in winter until August
Contact: Speak to Pikkie Malan on 083-326-2094 or Coen Strydom on 044-620-4964 for the venue
By post: PO Box 10728, Dana Bay 6510.
The Overberg Woodworkers’ Association
When: Every first Thursday of the month
Time: 6pm during winter, 7pm from October
Where: Progress Design, Industrial Area, Gansbaai (Hennie’s Place
Contact: Speak to Hennie Pretorius on 083-414-7962 or 028-384-1454 or Ben de Lange on 084-581-2801 or 028-384-1963.
The Western Cape Woodturners’ Association
When: Every third Wednesday of the month design sessions or demonstrations
Time: 6:30pm for 7pm
Where: Pinelands Hobbies Club, Nursery Way, Pinelands
Contact: Speak to the chairman Eric Thornton on 021-558-3708 or 082-465-4237 or the vice chairman Darryl Bailey on 021-531-3709 or 021-552-2095.
Workshops: Every other Wednesday of the month
Time: 6:30pm for 7pm
Where: Pinelands Hobbies Club, Nursery Way, Pinelands
Email: notnorth@mweb.co.za
By post: 23 Wembley Way, Edgemead, Cape Town 7441.
Eastern Cape
East London Woodcrafters Guild
When: Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month excluding December
Time: 5:30pm
Where: Timber Warehouse workshop, Small Business Development Centre (Arcadia Park)
Contact: Speak to the chairman, Chris Flanagan on 043-721-0707 or Cell: 082 894 0814; email: flanners@telkomsa.net or Rodney Offord on tel: 043-748 1163 or cell: 082 773 2864; email: rodney.offord@gmail.com
Woodturning Association - Grahamstown
Contact: Andrew Stevens on Tel: 046-603-8610; Cell: 082-320-1231; email: a.stevens@ru.ac.za
Woodturning Association - Port Alfred
Contact: Brian Edwards on Tel: 046-624-2945; Cell: 073-532-3295; email: barbaraharrison@telkomsa.net
The Grahamstown Woodworkers’ Group
When: Every second Tuesday of the month
Time: 6pm
Contact: Speak to Mike Brown on 046-622-4187, 082-805-5159 for the venue and further details.
Email: m.brown@ru.ac.za
Website: www.ru.ac.za/community/woodwork/index
Lower Albany Woodworkers’ Guild
When: Every first Tuesday of the month
Time: 6pm
Contact: Mick Tuck on 046-624-5682 or 082-873-0391
Refer to the Guild’s newsletter for the venue.
The Port Elizabeth Woodturners’ Guild
When: Every third Thursday of the month
Time: 6.30pm for 7pm
Where: Strand Hardware, 303 Govan Mbeki Ave, Port Elizabeth
Contact: Speak to the chairman Brian Jolly on 041-583-1577 or 083-294-3963
Email: brianj@iafrica.com