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Make a fruit loop

In need of a means to store fruit? Here’s an innovative ‘fruit bowl’ you can make to store apples, lemons, grapefruit and even bananas


By André Gous


Angle grinder

Tape measure

Welding machine

Welding electrodes

Bending machine or jigs


10.6m of 4mm round bar

320mm of 6mm round bar

Cutting list

Four 380mm lengths of 4mm round bar

Three 900mm lengths of 4mm round bar

One 1 300mm length of 4mm round bar

Four 1 200mm lengths of 4mm round bar

One 190mm length of 4mm round bar

Two 50mm lengths of 6mm round bar

Two 110mm lengths of 6mm round bar

Project guide


Estimated time: A morning

Cost: R300

Step-by-step guide

Step 1: Bend the four 380mm lengths into four rings that measure 110mm in diameter or a bit bigger so that bigger pieces of fruit can fit through.


Step 2: Bend one of the 900mm lengths of round bar into a C-shape. Now weld one end of this onto the first ring, but angle the bottom of the ring slightly forward. See photo 2.


Step 3: From the first ring measure 230mm upwards on the C-shape to get the position of the second ring. Weld the second ring in place. Measure a further 230mm to get the position of the third ring and weld that in place as well. Weld the fourth ring onto the other end of the C-shape.


Step 4: Take the 1 300mm length of round bar and bend that into a C-shape. This one will sit on the back of the fruit loop. Weld one of its ends onto the first ring exactly opposite the 900mm length. Next weld the 1 300mm length onto the second, third and fourth ring as well. If there is excess round bar protruding beyond the fourth ring, cut it off.


Step 5: Bend the four 1 200mm lengths into C-shapes and make sure they match each other.


Step 6: Weld two of the 1 200mm lengths at 90° to the left and right of the top 900mm length. Weld them onto all the other rings as well.


Step 7: The two remaining 1 200mm lengths are welded between the bottom 1 300mm length and the two 1 200mm lengths welded into place in step 6. Position them correctly and weld them onto all four of the rings.


Step 8: Weld the remaining two 900mm lengths between the top 900mm length and the two 1 200mm lengths.


Step 9: Weld the two 50mm lengths of 6mm round bar onto the first ring to act as feet. Position them slightly outwards so that the fruit loop stays upright. See photo 7.


Step 10: Weld the two 110mm lengths of 6mm round bar onto the second ring. These will be also be feet. Face them outwards as well to enable the fruit loop to stay upright. You might have to angle them slightly backwards as well.


Step 11: In order to hang some bananas on the fruit loop, you will need to add a hook. Bend a small hook out of some 4mm round bar and weld it onto the bottom of the top ring.


Step 12: To prevent the fruit from rolling out at the bottom, bend the 190mm length of round bar into a small C-shape and weld it onto the bottom ring to act as a stopper.


Step 13: Chip off all the welding flux and clean all the welds.


Step 14: Paint your fruit loop.

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